This blog is dedicated to everything related to emergency ambulances and the professionals and experts that save thousands of lives each year. Ambulance services (ground or air) are used by those in need of emergency care . This could be planned ahead or required at a moment's notice. Whatever the cause, ambulance services are prepared to take care of your needs.

Why is Healthcare not Free in the US?

There are many reasons on why healthcare in the US is not free like in Canada or in European countries. For starters, many think that the US is a very capitalistic society and do not want the federal government to interfere in private affairs including healthcare. To do any healthcare reform, it typically means paying more taxes, which the rich and powerful who make decisions and have the influence do not like. They say that over 45 million people in the US do not have health insurance, which means that they will have trouble getting any good medical care or be able to pay back any health care bills should they get sick. The other side to this argument is that there are many illegal immigrants who could easily use and abuse the system for their own advantage. This is another reason the US is hesitant to give out free health care to those that do not contribute in taxes. Also, competition and capitalism usually lead to the best cost control and is more efficient than anything the government could come up with. They say that the government has no agency or division that runs efficiently so why would we want them to handle healthcare?

There are many other unforeseen problems with a free healthcare system. For starters, just because the care is free doesn't mean that it will be good. Also, with free care, more people will go to see the doctor, but this will mean a large increase in taxes, because where else will the money come from? With the healthcare system more public , there could be laws passed that limit what a person can do , or taxes placed on things that are unhealthy, such as products made with trans fats, alcohol, fast food, cigarettes, etc. Also the government may try to ration the drugs and services which means a senator and his family would get treatment , but someone who works in the private  sector , or "doesn't know the right people" could be passed over. So with all these problems, perhaps it is better to wait and see how other countries work Universal health care and get this country in better shape financially before talk of universal health care is made, after all this country is billions in debt .

The Professionals that work in the US Healthcare Industry 


There are many professionals that work in the Healthcare industry. Nurses are assistants to doctors, their duties include giving medications, managing intravenous lines, monitoring patients to make sure they are okay, maintaining records and keeping the doctor updated on the patient's condition. They are also in charge of the various aides, just as a head nurse or doctor is in charge of them. Nurses are the comforters and the caretakers, though they are one of many professionals in the US healthcare industry. Doctors are the ones who do all the decision making and are the ones that are relied on to diagnose, treat, and cure various illnesses and diseases. 

There are many different types of doctors and they perform many different functions. For example, there are surgeons who perform surgeries, or operations on the body which require cutting open and removal of various tumors or other malformed parts to make the person healthier. There are heart surgeons, brain surgeons and pediatric surgeons. There are a variety of surgeons that operate on different parts of the body. The doctors are integral to the healthcare field, and typically make the most money. However, to become a doctor, it can take many many years. First they have to go to regular college, then medical school, then they typically do an internship before they are considered doctors in their own right. The home aides and other aides are the ones who provide the basic health services, the take blood pressure, they help with therapy, and they clean bed pans and change the sheets. 

There are also various techs that work in the healthcare industry. An x-ray tech is someone who gains licensing and is certified to use the x-ray machine. There are also EEG Techs, Polysomnographic Technicians, Psychiatric Technicians, and surgical techs. The healthcare industry is a good industry to get into especially nowadays. The baby boomers are all retiring and are at the age where they need more and more healthcare. Not only that, but there is a shortage of various healthcare workers and so if you wanted to get a job or start a career in the healthcare industry , you won’t have much competition. Also, the profits and the margin of profit for the healthcare industry is high and stayed strong during the recession and there will always be those that need healthcare so these jobs have great job security. 


How to Handle an Emergency Medical Situation